Sep 10, 2004 09:02
Been having two good days in a row. That's like a record compared to how crappy I've been feeling before. Maybe that's too harsh of a statement. Anyway, I guess quite a few things have happened since I last updated. Me and Brooke did UNC Idol Wednesday...didn't win, but it actually turned out exactly how I wanted it to. We still did really well, a lot of people thought we should have won, but I didn't really care. It was just cool that people liked the song we wrote. Anyway, sound check was a NIGHTMARE and basically the reason I'm glad we don't have to go to finals is so we don't have to go through that ever again. No one knew what they were doing and we basically sat around for a good hour and a half before we even got to set up. And even during the performance, the sound wasn't that great, but apparently better than it was for the other acts. Anywho, some people on the inside said we lost by 2 points. Kinda funny. It was all the audience part though, since the audience counts for 50% of the vote and I didn't bother to tell anyone about it because I was already nervous about doing it. Whatev. Ya know.
UNC Idol's not really my thing, you know. Brooke wanted to do it, so I said i would with her, and I almost backed out, but she convinced me otherwise. It was an awesome experience. It was exactly what I needed, to be honest. But that competition's more for the future Luther Vandrosses of the world, and that I am not.
So yesterday, I observed at Platte Valley. A bunch of kindergartners. Cutest things I've ever seen. I never thought I'd consider elementary school, but those kids gave me second thoughts for sure. I had a huge smile plastered on my face the whole day.
And the middle school girls I tutor commented on how cute I looked, which was flattering but made me wonder if they were just trying to distract me so they wouldn't have to do their math worksheets. Oh well. I'll take a complement where I can get it, lol.
By the by, Kristen, we still need to get together.