Shameless (oh well)

Sep 07, 2009 00:10

Yeah, this is - once again - shameless self pimping.

Dear God, Please forgive me for becoming a review whore. Amen.

Anyhoo, I just posted the second chapter (who knew there'd be more than one?) to the Harry/Draco fic I posted some time ago called  A Taste is Just a Teaser. Teh boyz can't keep their hands off each other, basically, even though they know the idea of the two of them is pretty ill-fated.

*sighs* My poor boyz.

A couple of weeks ago, I had to take a class downtown, so had some time to think as I rode the el... The first day as I was heading to class, I thought, "Hmmm. What if Severus were riding the el, sitting and swaying as the train rode around the city?" And so I wrote Seven Hours Later.

The next day of class, I was again sitting on the train (what is it with the train?) and I looked at my cell phone and thought, "Hmmm... What if Severus had a cell phone? (you can see where this is going, right?) Why would he have it? Who would he call? And that's when I wrote A Precautionary Measure.

Since then I've tried that with other things (what if Severus had a plate? what if Severus were late to work? what if Severus had to empty the trash...), and scored diddly squat.

Oh, but while I was on vacation, inspiration did hit in the form of cruising listening to the oldies radio station. I wrote a two chaptered fic called Hot Blooded in response to hearing it play, then hearing Brick House and Born to be Wild shortly thereafter. Besides Hermione dancing with abandon in a Muggle dance club with a hot unnamed wizard, I won't say anything else about that one.

So if you're looking for some short fics to review for the House Cup, and an author who will joyfully read your reviews, placing them in a special place in her heart as she reads them... go for it!

Okay. Pimpage accomplished. (Oh, man, now I've got Brick House running through my brain!)

fic-pimpage, house pride

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