For someone like me who's never been to a con, and a little newer to the whole fandom community, this
Hogsmeade Witches Weekend is going to be a great way to get totally immersed! (Dunked in the Great Lake, so to speak!)
I can't wait to meet people in person who I've either chatted with, read their fics, or lurked around on their LJ pages. :)
And I'm especially looking forward to meeting my dear friend and slave driver favorite author,
apollinav in person!
And finally, finally, FINALLY, it will be great to be able to have all talk centered in Potterverse - books, fics, characters, ships, theories, movies, EVERYTHING, with people who are just as or MORE interested in it than I am!!!
Really, how many of us have RL friends who let us indulge in our 'little Harry Potter obsesssion' while they just kind of shake their heads and wait for us to outgrow it? Or, how many of us simply don't talk about any of this with our RL friends? *raises hand*
So, all you witches (and wizards, if you're game for being a bit outnumbered by the estrogen-crowd) grab your brooms, make your reservations at the Leaky, and come on in to Chicago Hogsmeade for what will be a great weekend of the HP Exhibit, IMax showing of Half-Blood Prince, Brunches, and tons of fun!