
Oct 31, 2005 11:00

stressing stressing and stressing.

Officially less than a month till I move. SO MUCH STUFF going on. Band is almost over and I can't WAIT until I have that time back. But, I only have until Nov 11 to pack all my stuff up, move out of my house, and have stuff ready to go for Spain. That gives me... 11 days. To be ready to move to another country. Then I'm going to Miami for a couple days, and then a road trip to NC and VA. Then thanksgiving(??). Then Cadets camp(??). Then I leave the Weds after camp. STRESSING about this road trip and when to go where.

not to mention car issues - where to leave it? does it need insurance if I'm not driving it? I still need to get it serviced...

Beula has said I can leave my boxes of stuff in her attic cause mom sure won't let me leave it there...

I'm going out with Brendan tonight...stressed? me? never.

Had state championships last night. West Orange won. Kids were so happy!! Somerville came in 7th. They said they blamed me. I feel like I deserted them.

LOST MY CELL PHONE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shoot me. Seriously? I can't stand not having a cell phone. I'm ridiculously dependant on it and not having it is driving me nuts.

Training today in AYS at work. I'm not looking forward to it at all...I was looking forward to a nice quiet day at work, but now I'll be forced into making conversation. Don't get me wrong, she is a sweetheart...she's just very slow and I'm NOT in the mood to spoonfeed.
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