Bite my shiny hypocritical ass

Sep 18, 2008 12:35

So Sarah Palin starts stonewalling the investigators in Alaska who are looking into her abuse of power there, and McCain's people in DC take over the PR and legal offensive on this thing, with the obvious intention to just stall it out until after the election. In the process of doing all of this, it comes out that (like the Bush White House) ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

but if some random idiot on 4chan guesses that "caribou" is your Yahoo password it's THE END OF THE shakespearesgrl September 18 2008, 17:07:58 UTC

Thank you.


motolove September 18 2008, 17:41:10 UTC
who knew she was such a Pixies fan?


christastrophe September 18 2008, 18:05:13 UTC
Right? Conid loves Zeppelin, Palin loves the Pixies. Maybe Kay Bailey Hutchinson is into Pavement.


motolove September 18 2008, 18:33:38 UTC
and McCain likes Robert Johnson.

Cause he knew him.



motolove September 18 2008, 19:06:39 UTC
cause he's old!

get it?


popelizbet September 18 2008, 19:17:17 UTC
Chris, can I metaquote you again? The last line?


christastrophe September 18 2008, 19:49:17 UTC
OK, but I am absolutely not dealing with Whatstheirnuts and their Great Grande Graduate Student Thesis In Latin from the last metaquote. I thought about bringing it, and then I remembered that if you give someone a chance to back their argument and they don't (twice), then you're just wasting your time on an internet fight going straight to Nowhere.


popelizbet September 18 2008, 19:51:06 UTC
Don't even bother to bring it to the trolls. Thanks.


dbrogers0584 September 18 2008, 20:00:19 UTC

I've held off on jumping into the political discussions because I've been absolutely swamped.

Still, I just have to vent about people who support McCain and Palin based on all of the issues that they plan carry over from Bush's failed presidency.

I guess what really frustrates me aside from all of the stupidity from the convention (and a very old friend who is quite far up the collective Republican ass providing updates every 15 seconds via Twitter).. is when they parade(d) the Down syndrome baby around.

That, and all of the militant anti-abortionists who support Palin who wouldn't be up for allowing her daughter to have an abortion if she was raped. Yet another example of misguidedness and having religion and what people feel is right crammed down our throats. It's really disgusting. And it scares me how many friends of mine plan on voting for McCain and his unqualified soccer mom and are perfectly fine with the shitty state that the country is going through right now.


David Rogers


christastrophe September 18 2008, 20:11:06 UTC
Thanks, David. Sorry you're swamped. And I'm especially sorry you're on Twitter.

But yeah - that is the weirdest thing. Every indication is that they're going to be even further to the Right than Bush (Palin is easily, and I don't really trust that McCain's election-year concessions to the far Right will go away if he's President, any more than I believed in "Compassionate Conservatism"). And all these middle-of-the road voters don't really see that. They just see an aw-shucks lady in glasses and an aw-shucks guy in a suit.

But thank you for reminding me of Lil' Palin. You'll never ever ever see Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter, you'll very very very rarely see John McCain's adopted Bangladeshi girl, but they tied that poor Down syndrome baby to the front of the bus with a neon arrow pointing to it.


dbrogers0584 September 18 2008, 20:19:30 UTC
yeah, I wasn't on Twitter actually..she kept posting to Facebook about every stupid party she was going to. Who cares ( ... )


carmy_w September 18 2008, 21:01:03 UTC
Here from MQ-

Rock on!

Mind if I friend you?
I promise I won't clutter up your friends page...


christastrophe September 18 2008, 21:13:34 UTC
Hey awesome! Yes, please. I apologize in advance for cluttering up your friends page with overlong stories about nothing.


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