Überleben Chapter 2

Apr 25, 2008 00:42

Title: Überleben Chapter 2
Author: rocks_not_dead aka xchristabelx
Fandom: Weiss Kreuz
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Schuldig/Yohji, Nagi/? (both in later chapters)
Summary: After the tower falls Schuldig and Nagi seem to be the only remaining members of Schwarz. Now they must struggle to survive without a home and in fear of SZ tracking them down to execute revenge.
Warnings: Sex, violence, possible drug use
Notes: Überleben is German for surviving. The pairings for this story will not emerge til later chapters in favour of much drama and plot, so please bear with me.
Previous chapters: Chapter 1
Next Chapter: Chapter 3

Chapter 2


There was just so much noise, too much. Inside, outside, everywhere. Distant voices sounding nearer than they were, some loud, some more quiet. A scream in the distance. Piercing, strangled, dying.

Schuldig awoke with a start and immediately gasped in pain as his broken ribs were jarred. “Verdammt,” he swore, making sure to lie very still as he regained his breath which had been stolen by the pain. Next to redhead Nagi stirred and slowly opened his eyes, awoken by the noise his companion’s outcry. Once Nagi realised what had happened, he was wide awake.

“Don’t move,” the teen commanded, carefully holding Schuldig down to get his point across. “Not planning to,” Schuldig ground out, squeezing his eyes shut as he was still in pain, but realising that it was slowly lessening. Opening his eyes again slowly, the telepath locked eyes with his panick-stricken friend. He didn’t even have to read Nagi’s thoughts to know what was going through the boy’s head.

“Morning, chibi,” Schuldig managed, forcing a lazy smile onto his lips. Nagi sighed, half with relief, half with resignation. “Morning,” the boy mumbled. They were both quiet for a few moments, Schuldig making damn sure he wasn’t moving and Nagi sitting up next to the redhead, pondering on their situation. Shifting his eyes to quickly glance at Nagi, Schuldig tried to focus on the boy’s thoughts. He knew Nagi was worried, very worried, but not even Schuldig knew exactly what they should do now.

Concentrating, Schuldig felt himself slip into Nagi’s mind, scraping the surface, but going deeper more thoughts appeared, thoughts that weren’t Nagi’s. It took the telepath a moment to register what was happening as more and more thoughts from different people all around the area or even further away continued to crowd his mind, causing his head to feel as if it would split. A pained gasp once again escaped the redhead’s lips. Nagi’s head immediately whipped around, midnight eyes widening. “What is it,” the boy asked, immediately nearly on his feet to do anything necessary to help his friend.

Schuldig just slowly shook his head and forced a neutral expression. “Nothing, kid, just the ribs.” Schuldig hoped that this explanation would be enough. Nagi really didn’t need to know the real reason for Schuldig’s discomfort. Not until the telepath had sorted out for himself what had just happened. Which was nothing, really, Schuldig tried to appease the panic rising within him. His telepathy was fine, he was just tired. That would be his reasoning for now, at least.

Nagi shook his head stubbornly. “That’s not nothing, Schuldig,” he insisted. Then the boy sighed. “You need to lie very still for as long as possible. At least for a few days,” Nagi said. They couldn’t go to a doctor, though he knew that they both probably needed to see one, but how would either of them explain what had happened to them. Beside SZ were probably still out there looking for any survivors. The organization finding either of them would be fatal.

Schuldig sighed. “I know,” he said and he meant it. The way he was feeling just now he didn’t think he’d survive moving anywhere. The chance of one of his broken ribs puncturing a lung was way too high and the telepath really didn’t fancy dying a painful death while coughing up blood. Resigned to being a statue for a while at least, Schuldig carefully turned his head to look at Nagi. “How’s your leg,” he asked the young telekinetic.

Nagi’s eyes widened slightly. In all his worry for Schuldig the boy had completely forgotten that he had been injured as well. But that could only mean that he had to be feeling better, right? Rolling up his trouser leg slowly, Nagi revealed the bandaged wound. No blood could be seen on the makeshift bandage. A good sign, Nagi decided, slowly standing up fully and testing whether he could put pressure on his leg. He winced slightly as initial pain shot up his leg, but after a few moments it wasn’t so bad anymore. Nagi took a few tentative steps forward and checked the bandage again. The wound hadn’t started bleeding again yet so with any luck Nagi would be able to move around, though he would surely be limping. “It seems to be ok,” he concluded. Schuldig nodded. “Good, but be careful,” he instructed. Nagi just shot him a look that clearly stated which of them was currently incapable of moving.

Moving back over to Schuldig’s side, Nagi sat down on the floor once more, sighing once again. He seemed to be doing that a lot today. Schuldig offered an encouraging smile which he hoped would be slightly comforting. He knew that he really couldn’t be much more of a help to the young telekinetic just then, especially since not even his telepathy was cooperating. “I’m hungry,” Nagi stated suddenly. It was true, really, although he had intended it more as a way to break the silence that had descended. And while it hadn’t been an uncomfortable silence, Nagi preferred to be talking. A silent Schuldig was always a strange thing.

Schuldig made a non-committal noise. He wasn’t sure he would be able to eat anything in his current state, neither was he particularly hungry. “Do you have any money,” Schuldig asked, a new problem dawning. Nagi shook his head. “I didn’t take any with me.”

“If we’re in any kind of luck my wallet will still be in the pocket of my jacket,” Schuldig said, hoping that it would still be there. It was a false hope, though. Nagi immediately grabbed the discarded piece of clothing and searched all its pockets but came up empty-handed. “It’s not there,” Nagi exclaimed despairingly.

Schuldig sighed silently. Good morning problem number two in a sea of problems. They had no money, no credit or debit cards and nothing and no one to manipulate into giving them money. “We have no money,” Nagi concluded out loud a second after Schuldig had drawn the same conclusion in his mind. Letting the jacket drop back to the ground in a heap, Nagi stared at it forlornly.

While Nagi was nearly panicking, Schuldig had quite a clear view on the situation. No money wasn’t the worst that could happen to a person and while he thought that money did make life a great deal easier, the telepath had survived without it before. And he knew they would need food sooner or later, maybe even medication. They needed their strength now.

“That can’t stop us,” Schuldig decided, making Nagi’s gaze rivet to look at him. “What do you mean,” the younger boy asked. “We’ll need to come by food and other things anyway,” Schuldig explained. Nagi’s face got more serious, if possible. “You mean we’re going to steal,” he stated. Schuldig just nodded. “And we need to be damn careful about it,” the telepath continued. “Until we get any further news we’ll have to assume that SZ is still out there looking for us. They mustn’t get any news about us surviving.”

Nagi huffed. He really wasn’t comfortable with openly stealing. He knew that all the electronic shifting of money he had done for Brad really hadn’t been anything else, but it did feel different. “I’ll do it if you don’t want to,” Schuldig offered, sensing his friend’s discomfort. The telepath was about to brave the very painful prospect of moving when Nagi stopped him. “I’ll do it,” the young telekinetic nearly yelled. “Remember what I just told you? You need to stay still.”

“Alright, alright,” Schuldig exclaimed, giving Nagi an appeasing look. The younger boy just shook his head. “I’ll try to be quick,” he said as he began to make his way across to the exit. “Be careful,” Schuldig called out to his friend. Nagi turned for a moment and offered a small smile before finally leaving.

Outside the sun was high in the sky. Nagi thought it might be noon or close to that time anyway. Looking around the area he couldn’t see a soul, but that wasn’t surprising. According to a sign that had been put up the building wasn’t due for demolition for at least another week. That, at least, was somewhat positive in Nagi’s opinion. A week wouldn’t be enough for Schuldig to heal fully, but maybe enough for them to be able to move. They would have to in any case. All they had for now was hope.

Nagi didn’t make as fast a progress as he had hoped with his injured leg, but at least his injury didn’t seem as bad as it had the previous night. He gathered that both he and Schuldig had been overreacting in that respect. Though there was still reason for concern about the telepath. Nagi snorted. Trust Schuldig to get himself into that much trouble. But at least the redhead was still there, the teen thought, sadness creeping up on him. He angrily wiped away the tears that threatened to leak from his eyes and shook his head. This was definitely not the time for a breakdown.

It didn’t take long, though, for Nagi to be immediately distracted by the sight before him. A little luck seemed to be on his side, at least. He had come quite a way and had recently entered a housing area and was now standing in the middle of a street market. Nagi took a deep breath. He had never attempted anything like this before, but he thought that this must be perfect.

Ducking into a side street, Nagi made sure that his telekinetic powers were working by making a discarded crate float a few inches in the air. No problem, as it seemed. Turning back to face the market, Nagi knew that he only had one chance to do this.

With a bread stand in view, Nagi was happy to see that the stand also sold some drinks. Focusing his mind on both a loaf of bread and a bottle of water, Nagi concentrated on both things as well as on staying as hidden as possible in the alley, knowing that he would be in huge trouble if he was spotted. Thankfully summoning things telekinetically could be done with a great deal of speed and while the floating objects caused an outcry and general confusion among the sellers and visitors of the market, Nagi had enough time to grab the objects and run. Running wasn’t that easy anymore as his leg was starting to hurt again, but Nagi knew that he would have to make it further away from the living area before he could rest.

Meanwhile back at their hiding place Schuldig was on edge. Not only could he not move, but he was still very worried about the fact that he couldn’t seem to focus on one separate set of thoughts anymore. Sighing in frustration, Schuldig decided he would try again by making a mental sweep of the surrounding area since that might be a good idea in any case to warn them of any danger that might be lurking nearby.

Concentrating his mind on the task, the telepath began to slowly touch on the minds closest to where he was. Slowly soon turned into a roller coaster ride, though, as thoughts and emotions began to race at him, crowding in and threatening to smother him. Schuldig broke free with a cry of pain. Swearing he held a hand to his forehead trying to soothe the throbbing pain that was beginning there. In his desperation Schuldig tried again only to come up with the same painful result and a third time which left him drained and with a migraine that threatened to make him throw up.

“What’s happening to me,” Schuldig wondered out loud, his voice raw and desperate as tears of pain and frustration gathered in the corners of his eyes. In the distance a door was pushed and closed again, a limping figure shown against the backdrop of grey walls. “Shu, I’m back.”

A/N: This was chapter 2. Hope you enjoyed. Please review.
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