Title: Hold Me
xchristabelxRating: PG to PG-13
Pairing: James Norrington/Andrew Gillette
Word Count: 442
Notes: Ok. So I wrote this for
potc_cliche. And what happened? It really didn't turn out that cliché at all. Not necessarily a bad thing. It's cute, beware of the fluff.
“James, I really don’t think it is a good idea to enter in a drinking contest with Captain Sparrow.” Andrew Gillette tried to sway his superior’s decision. It would not do for the Commodore of the Royal Navy to have a drinking contest with a pirate and most likely lose it, but James stayed firm.
“Did you not hear what he said?” James growled, glaring at Sparrow who was sitting at a table nearby, waiting for the commodore’s decision with a grin on his tanned face.
“I did hear, James but - “ Andrew didn’t get any further, because James once again interrupted him.
“I am perfectly capable of holding my liquor, Andrew. Now let me settle this so we can leave this filthy place.”
With these words James stalked over to where Sparrow was sitting and pulled one of the offered bottles of rum towards him.
A few hours later Andrew was having great difficulties getting the very inebriated commodore back to his home. “I knew this wasn’t a good idea.” The lieutenant sighed while he tried to stop James from collapsing in the middle of the dingy alley they were walking along.
“’t was a good idea.” James insisted, slurring his words badly. “Best idea I ever had. And I won.”
Andrew nodded, smiling tightly. Truth be told, James hadn’t won. In fact it was a still relatively sober Jack Sparrow who had suggested that Andrew get the commodore home before anyone saw him in this state and before he passed out.
James prattled on about his victory for the rest of the way to his home and Andrew was beginning to wish that James would pass out.
“Yes, yes, James. You won. Now sit down on the bed.” Andrew ordered the other man once they were safely in the confines of James’ bedroom without having encountered any further trouble.
James nodded happily and the movement made his head spin. He collapsed to the bed in a lying position, pulling Andrew with him.
A blush crept onto the lieutenant’s face immediately when he noticed that he was half lying on top of the commodore.
James smiled up at him, though and reached out to remove Andrew’s wig, freeing fiery red hair. “See, Andrew, I told my liquor I could hold you.” James got his words mixed up, but to both of them it felt as if it had been exactly what James had planned to say.
“Andrew? Can I hold you tonight?” James voice was timid as he asked, but his eyes were alight.
Andrew nodded, smiling. “You can.” He answered and then let his lip’s descend on James’.
A/N: Post a review? Please?