Title: Loyalty
xchristabelxPairing: None, really unless you interpret more into it. Then it could be Norrington/Gillette
Rating: G
Prompt: Blue
Word Count: 99
Author's Note/Disclaimer: Gosh, do I wish I owned them, but I don't. And that 100 word limit was so hard. XD
x-posted to everywhere under the sun.
“Lieutenant Groves?” Commodore Norrington addressed one of his best and most trusted men. “Why is Lieutenant Gillette avoiding me?”
“I don’t know sir.” Groves answered, and shrugged. “I did not know he was avoiding you.” A sideways glance from Groves to the two sailors standing nearby told James that his lieutenant did know something and he sent them away so that he and Groves could talk freely.
“Well?” James asked.
“He got into a fight last night.” Groves told.
James nodded. “Why?”
“Someone had insulted you, sir.”
The commodore couldn’t help the smile now crawling onto his lips.
A/N: Please review.