Dec 01, 2010 19:57
I guess life is throwing me a funk...I dont normally get sad during the holidays and let me say that last week with friends I was on cloud nine. But there are things weighing me down and I feel lately as if I have these huge weights tied to my feet. Business wise I know Ive got to move and well for some reason I just can't...we shall see if I can catch fire tomorrow. Home wise...well lets just say that i've been feeling like running if I could just runaway...I really need to be alone in my head....and sadly that's not nessisarilly fair to the other half. So much in my head at the moment, worry about well life things are not as great as they should be and it we are getting ready to enter another year of it...I have to light a fire under my butt....I need to suck it up and remember that I am my business and well it dosen't go if I don't move....And you know I have to say just typing those words makes me feel a bit better. Im going to push myself and well tomorrow is a new day and I guess even hat girls get the blues right...
Till next time...perhaps im more a spicy shade of lavender..with blue tips...