Nov 20, 2007 07:48
"Look, Anika, the tree fell over!" I peer out the window where Dada, Uncle Shawn and Uncle David, the tree faller, has falled a big tall tree in the next yard. You climb onto the window seat and press your face to the window. It's not long before you find your words.
"Pick it up! My tree!" You high-pitched voice is assertive and directive."Put my tree back!"
"Hon, it's too heavy. The tree was too big." I don't want to get into how we were worried that with the recent windstorms there was fear that the tree might topple through Uncle Shawn's house.
"My tree!" You yell.
I hide my amusement at your logic and give you a hug. "I know. We'll get you another one."
"Mama. Dada.. put my tree back, please?" You've learned that adding 'please' can help your campaign, and I've learned that when it doesn't get your way, it's usually the beginning of a tantrum unless I can distract you somehow.
In a few weeks we'll probably be bringing a fresh Christmas tree into our livingroom. You've already gotten the concept of Santa and presents, but I wonder what will happen when it's time to dispose of the tree.