Hello! What a great community you’ve got here :)) All the best wishes to the person who created it! I hope it will never be deleted, even if the members don’t post here very often. Seriously, I’m so happy to finally meet people like me! %)) I thought I was the only one interested in such things...
I am not a Christian, neither do I belong to any other religious confession, but I’ve always been fascinated by Jesus’ amazing personality. He was, in my opinion, the most interesting human being who ever lived. I collect movies and books about him, fiction and non-fiction (The Last Temptation is my favorite, both the book and the movie, The Passion is absolutely great, and I adore all the versions of Jesus Christ Superstar)... Speaking of FANfiction, especially of slash, my favorite pairings are Jesus/Judas (One True Pairing!)) and Jesus/John (some people take this one
as a canon ).
So, here is my extremely angsty video :) The clips are from Jesus Christ Superstar 2000, the song is by the great Ofra Haza, and the word "ahava" means "beloved" in the native language of our characters ;)
Click to view
By the way, this is the first video I’ve ever made - so please be kind :))) And I hope you forgive me for my poor English too ;))