25. trying the decent bloke thing.

Mar 31, 2010 19:10

Hey, Uhura. Couple of things.

Firstly, I've got an idea, but I sure as fuck ain't talking about it in public, so either get yourself up here, or...

Well, point number two. Can I have my bloody private posts back?

On another note, that bird who was a bit put out at our language... have you never seen Kitchen Nightmares? It's not fucking cooking if there isn't at least three fucks in before someone's even picked up a knife. And no, I don't mean in the bloody literal sense. Although that'd be fucking curious and remind me of home more than it probably should. Rube, you're Gordon-fucking-Ramsey, and you know it.

Brian, Pollux - what's going off, boys? Nothing too... fucked up, right?

parker has good ideas, killing uhura with kindness, kitchen fucking nightmares, smoking swearing and shooting, swearing about cooking

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