108: going home. nearly.

May 04, 2011 13:11

Well, guys.


Laura's gone and graduated. Knew she would, knew she could, and... now, I know she's somewhere better. She's happy and free and that's all I could ask. She told me herself, and if anyone else was wondering about her... [he actually sounds like he's choking up a little] well, she's grand.

When it comes down to it, that's the fucking power of believing in yourself. That's the power of not thinking you were bound by your previous actions, that you can't actually do any differently and things have always been this way. I did it a bit as an inmate. Condemn yourself, 'cause if you're gonna be a bad man, you might as well go the whole fucking nine yards, right?

But there's so much shit you're denying yourself 'cause of it. So lemme say, the best thing any of you guys can do as a warden is believe in your inmate.

I'll be here for a bit. Gotta fix up a few things, but I'm gonna head off soon. Lemme know if there's anything important I've gotta do before I go.

Oh, and your dinner? Is now in the beautiful and wonderful hands of the illustrious Miss Parker. Don't complain, or she'll kick your ass. That's one bunch of keys I'll never miss. You kitchen staff better be as awesome for her as you were for me, or there'll be hell to pay.

Also, I have a bunch of stuff I use to remember people by. If you've got something you wanna add to the collection, just bug me.

Also, Shirley. Mr Holmes. Coupla rounds of ol' fashioned boxing for the road?

[Private to Parker]

You, me, deck. Tonight.

first thing i ever graduated, no warden has a criminal record like me, a maguire?! a fucking parole officer?!, family's thicker than murder, gotta fix this, gotta debt to society

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