101. bothering.

Apr 08, 2011 14:13

...Again? Grand.

This is HMS(or P, you choose) Stranger than fucking Strangeways, calling the outside world. Visiting day is open. Please do not antagonise the prisoners. Or do. It's not like you're gonna listen anyway.

This is Paddy Maguire, by the way, and if anyone from the Chatsworth is around... well, lemme hear from you.

No, wait. If you're from the Chatsworth and not related to me, you can sod off.

Everyone on board, I will say one fucking thing. Kitchen staff me. You know you want to.

[Private to Laura]

Well, I was gonna suggest we did something after dinner, but... well, if someone I want to ignore turns up, then we're still on.

If not, tomorrow'll do. Anything specific you wanna do?

((ooc: sorry for the me spam. I wanted to get some posts up before I invaded y'all with INSANITY. :D))

my wife took a hit on me, the fuss-chee-a limo, mandy!, this is one fucked prison alright, family's thicker than murder, our shane, fresh from prisoner cell block h

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