six - not a happy Irish bunny.

Nov 07, 2009 15:06

Did you...did you fucking taser me, Uhura? Those things are fuckin' dangerous, you know. People have had fuckin' heart attacks.

Also, have you people never heard of fucking search warrants before ransacking my shit and taking things? You bloody wankers.

Oi! Castiel. You should be my bloody warden again, angel-fella. I could at least fuckin' punch you in the face when you try to search through my shit.

...I seriously need to punch something in the face. Anyone (by anyone, I fuckin' mean human, non-fancy pants powered, normal fuckin' blokes) up for some old fashioned boxing?

Although, if anyone wants to piss me off, consider yourself a volun-fucking-teer.

raiding my stash is not funny, this is one fucked prison alright, using a taser is cheating, fresh from prisoner cell block h

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