96. paddy gets pissy.

Mar 08, 2011 01:23

You know guys. You know what really hacks me off?

This whole fucking 'you're fictional' lark. It ain't a fucking lark, that's the point. That's what I'm trying to say here, and treating it like one... it ain't fucking right, or fair.

Like Uhura. It really fucking upset her. Really fucking did. Now I know who she was and all that shit, but I spent the entire time I was an inmate (bar those few days I was 13) pretending I didn't have a fucking clue.

Because you've gotta take folks seriously around here. How the fuck do you take anyone seriously if you're sitting around, thinking 'oh, hey, they're from this film or that book'? You can't! You fucking can't, and telling people that is a fucking insult. It's like you're saying, to their face, 'oh, but I don't take you that seriously...'

It's a fucking joke. Never mind the fact that do any of you consider what you're making that person think, when you mention all this shit? And treat 'em like you know 'em, cause of some book or fucking film?

If anyone does that to me or my fucking inmate, I'll fucking stab 'em in the eyes. How's that for being real, hm?


Um. That's not advocated as a course of action, by the way.

[pause number two, and he comes back, completely calm and collected,]

Pancakes. Be there for pancakes, this is all.

don't get upset get angry, now paddy's upset, don't need no introspection, voice posts bring out the angry irish

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