93. fucking parkers. - backdated to yesterday.

Feb 17, 2011 14:35

[Infirmary filter]

[Paddy sounds in a completely uncharacteristic panic.]

Hey. HEY! Get someone up here! Parker's... I don't fucking know... she's dead! I'm sure she's...

[panic subsides a little as he actually checks]

Okay, she's not dead. But she's out fucking cold and I don't know why. Fuck fuck fuck.

How d'you tell if this is one of those coma things, or if she's just... fucking ill or something?


I'll bring her down in the next half hour. [As waking up next to her means he needs to apply clothes to the situation. For both of them.]

[Private to t'other Parker.]

Parker's out cold. They reckon it's one of those coma-business things. She'll be back. You need anything, ask me, yeah? I took her item off her, so no worries, someone's paying attention.

And still turn up for dinner, okay?

[Private to Laura.]

Hey there. Parker's kind of... well, it's one of those coma things. Thought I ought to tell you. You okay?

[Public, added later.]

Parker's gonna be unavailable for a bit. I'll let you know. Anyone want to ask 'bout it, come talk to me. Don't worry 'bout her, or owt, she'll be alright.

now paddy's upset, paddy the warden killer, smoking swearing and shooting

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