78. ohballs.

Nov 22, 2010 15:42

[Private to Uhura and Parker - not separately]

Meet me outside of Laura's room in ten minutes.

Gotta... do a drugs raid. Top to fucking bottom, no questions asked. I only trust you guys to help me.

Also, got a favour to ask of one of you, but we'll get to that one later.

[Private to the Admiral]

Bring Laura back to life and don't play any silly buggers. Or I will come and kick you in the fucking throat.

[Infirmary filter]

Tell me when she wakes up. I'd hang around, but I've gotta go... enforce some shit. Now. I'll be back in a couple of hours, though.

[Warden filter, about six, seven hours later.]

I've got no dinner shift.

Anyone who can help, fucking turn up. Send anyone you fucking like. I don't give a shit.

I'd fucking take the week off if my whole shift hadn't just gone and

Fuck this shit. Just fuck this shit.

paddy believes in uhura and god, paddy the inmate killer, stashes are now there to be raided, gotta fix this, you can get a subscription to my issues

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