75. paddy is actually competent.

Nov 15, 2010 15:44

Until further notice, this is how food is going to work:

You will take what you are given. You will be given a mark on the back of your hand when you are given food (if anyone has a permanent marker, this would be a great fucking help). You will not be allowed seconds. Even if you're fucking hungry.

The kitchen will be under 24 hour guard. Do not try to steal from me. You will fucking regret it. If you work in the kitchens, we need you down here for your regular shifts.

This'll be over soon. Just a power cut. Everyone keep calm, I'm taking precautionary measures, nothing else.

[Private to Laura]

You alright? I'm gonna come find you, okay? You got any... uh, light source? Because I'm working on my fucking phone here.

We're camping out in the kitchen, by the way. I've gotta keep that shit safe, and I want you with me. There's some nutjobs out there.

[Private to Nathan]

You got a permanent marker on you? It's kinda freaking important.

[Warden filter]

Right. Here's the deal.

Yes, the fridges are a bust. We've still got a decent amount of dried and tinned shit. DO NOT PANIC YOURSELVES, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. I've already had a suggestion to put the meat in salt to make it last, it'll be alright.

I dunno how long this is going to last. I'm putting rationing into force. Everoyne look forward to pasta and really-salty-meat.

I need to work out how the fuck to distribute this shit in amount, but I'm gonna do what I can.

I need all the supervisory help I can get down here. I need all the help I can get to build a fucking fire. I need some fucking light. I still want your inmates to come to work. For now. I can't do without the manpower.

...the blood's gonna pissing go off, isn't it? Oh shit.

puts the organised in organised crime, kitchen fucking nightmares, swearing about cooking

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