(no subject)

Jul 07, 2010 18:27

So some people have fucking left, right, because otherwise some fuckers are not turning up for work and I'm gonna have to come kick their asses. Edmund turns up and I fucking sing at him every other day. Okay, every day.

How the fuck do so many people disappear at once? And then how the fuck do a load of new people appear at once. It's like there's a fucking conveyor belt.

Iroh, favour? Can you man the lunch shift today? Need a couple of hours to sort some things out.

[Inmate filter and Libby]

Right, guys, I'm trying to get something set up here, so hear me out for a minute, yeah?

It ain't easy around here with a drug or alcohol addiction, I know. So, what I want to do is to set up a group so that those of us with issues like that can support each other and... well, help each other out, because I reckon the best help you can ever get for that kind of thing is from people who've been there, or people who know just what it's like.

In the real world, this'd be anonymous and anyone can just walk in and all of that, but we ain't gonna manage that here. So I'm gonna try and make this as confidential as possible, by the following means:

- I ain't going to tell anyone where and when we're doing this until I've talked to them first. I'm wary of anyone who'd try and sneak in to exploit the information they might get.
- Anything you say to me, or anyone else, during the course of these meetings won't make it back to anyone, including your wardens. I'll keep that, and if anyone doesn't keep that, I'm kicking them out on their arse.
- If you're not comfortable talking to... a couple of other people about this kind of thing, I'm happy to try and find time just to talk to you.

You have to come talk to me about this if you want any more details, including why I'm doing this. This is just to let you know from this point on, whether there's one of you or thirty odd, the help's available, and all you need to do is ask me, or your warden.

Equally, if you'd prefer to deal with someone with qualifications in this kind of thing, Libby is available and going to help me. It's your choice.

[Warden filter]

Okay... I've put a message out to the inmates about, y'know, a group for addicts and all that. Feel free, if your inmate's looking for help to send them my direction - or at least to recommend it to them. Remember, though, I want nobody fucking frogmarched to my door. Persuade 'em, yeah, but don't go forcing anyone to come - including by punishing them for not coming. That ain't what this is about.

I'm also trying to maintain confidentiality here, so I ain't passing on anything said to me by your inmates. I'm trying to help 'em, not going to spy on them. Sorry. If you've got a problem with that, well, I don't give a fuck.

And if anyone's worried about me being a former drug dealer - I ain't got a single thing to deal and I wouldn't fucking dream of it.

[Private to Parker.]

You around? I... well, I don't need a drink, but I need something fucking ridiculous. Think you can provide?

malc's pot is blacker than his kettle, not a junkie, don't need no introspection, smoking swearing and shooting, gotta debt to society, swearing about cooking

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