43. Paddy runs a tight ship.

Jun 05, 2010 12:26

Alright, down to fucking business. Just because I need to get this sorted in my fucking head.

Kitchen staff, sound off, give me your shift. ALL OF YOU.

I reckon we're a couple of people short what with people fucking graduating and what not. SO. SEND ME YOUR INMATES. Inmates, this is the chance for you to do a job which a) gets something done that people should fucking value and b) is a better alternative to cleaning shit up and c) work with the best fucking team on the whole damn Barge.

Alright, so that last one might be a bit of a fucking lie, but gotta pimp it out.

For the folks who've been living under a rock for the past year, I'm Paddy Maguire, and now the big sweary guy in charge of your fucking kitchen. A Northern Irish Gordon Ramsey who can't quite fucking cook that well. Also, if you can't fucking make it for some reason, guys, - send me word or send someone in your fucking place. I'll try and keep track of who's in zero and who's hurt, but I'm not a fucking spreadsheet.

Remember, guys, first rule of prison: Don't piss off the guys providing the food. That's just fucking dumb.

First rule of being in my kitchen: Bring in the Riverdance or fucking bagpipes and I'll throw a fucking potato.

its the irish in me, kitchen fucking nightmares, swearing about cooking, fresh from prisoner cell block h

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