I just finished setting up my exam altar! It’s ment to turn to every morning before I leave to the exam, or when I’m having a difficult time during the exams. Thank you all!
-incense burner I got from Petra’s parents for my b-day, from their trip to Germany
-chalcedoon on the top right, which I got from my parents and my mom picked out for me
-candle I got from Romy especially ment to burn during the exams, it’s smeared in with oil from orange peal, the oil had been standing for 6 weeks and was filtered during full moon in 2006. It’s for good luck, success and concentration
-toermalijn I got from Daniel to put next to me when I’m studying so it can charge and to put on my altar during the exams, the sharp point is for focussing energy, it helps with stuyding, gives you insight in yourself and helps you to push through to the next step
-the necklace next to the toermalijn is an angel made of veldspaat, which I got from my neighbour, it helps to develop your spiritual side
-the top incense is amber, I got it from Petra’s parents
-the incense underneath I got from Sunny which comes from her own altar
Good luck everyone!