so we can thank the Patriot Act for what
viscera_lace posted the other day
FBI may be checking on you... but we can thank facebook for letting employers read our facebook profiles!
edit your profile or you won't get a job! edit: AND we can thank facebook for letting the police arrest us for stupid stuff we do!
psu ppl in trouble highlights:
Romero said she posted a photo on her Webshots that clearly showed her on the field after the Ohio State game.
"I didn't know they could do that," she said. "This really scares me."
Romero said she has not been officially charged with anything, but she was told she could face up to two years in jail, up to $2,000 in fines and sanctions from the university's Office of Judicial Affairs.
Groups such as "I rushed the field after the OSU game (and lived!)" are acting as "laundry lists of suspects" for the police to interview, said Communications and Law Professor Clay Calvert, who is a co-director for the Pennsylvania Center for the First Amendment.
A student at Fisher College in Boston was expelled in October for a message in a Facebook group.
PS thanks to
tildedave for providing me with these 2 links.