Lots to do and a rant.

Feb 07, 2008 08:13

So much to do for this coming Saturday’s rite, I’m so excited. I have all 80 dancing scarves made, need to get them all ironed and boxed up, need to finish my youngest child’s robe, and finish the new lining in a coat for a friend, got to do the grocery shopping for the house and Saturday. Get my own ritual garb ready, need to get it all done today cause I will have grandbabies tomorrow and you can’t get anything done when they are here.
All this and plus all the normal house cleaning and everything done. Plus I have Ostara on my mind, need to get o hold of a couple people which will be hard since there phone is turned off and see how we want to plan this.
I guess I’m just weird don’t like planning things without the communication of others involved, the way it should be. Communication is a key element in life, without it, it can cause a lot of discontent.
I also want to see how AG is going for that rite. I tend to be submerging my self in helping the community, and want to keep that communication open, the way it should be.

Un-like others who just hide and linger in the shadows, then complain of the way things are going, well you have a voice, freaking use it, quit hiding and trying to start shit.

Yes, I have an attitude!! It’s because of people that don’t communicate and think everything will be fine and go away if they just ignore the problems and what not. I’m tired of their hidden agendas and they’re all about ME crap and I will get to it when I feel like it even if it last min.. Well it isn’t all about them; it’s about everyone involved in these things. Grow up, get of your high horse, your no better than anyone else leader or not. Quit being “control freaks”, you can’t control or take over everything it just causes trouble and others including me don’t want to be around you and your f**ked up egos.

Well off to get more coffee and get some things done before I go off on a other rant, I’ll save those other rants for later. lol Even if they are the same ole rants, Though they may go away, if there is ever any real communication. I’ve tried to communicate in the past; they don’t listen and only hear what they want to hear, so I quit, so now it’s all up to them.

aspen grove, to do, rituals, stuff, rant

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