There's still some good in the world

Feb 10, 2010 21:58

     I delivered Valentines to the VA today. Even though I had to do it alone, I still had the BEST time. Everyone there is so nice, and grateful. It just reminds me that there are still people out there with genuinely good hearts. Because the gentlemen that stay there, and I call them gentlemen because there is truly no other word for them, always have something nice to say. I took some pictures while I was there, and I pretty much felt like a movie star. All of them were saying, "you have no idea how much this means to me" and telling me how pretty I was. I took a picture with Mr. Padykula & he has Purple Heart. A Purple Heart! From World War II! The man is 93 years old and he had his dentures sitting on his lap. He's so kind, and it breaks my heart because last time I was there he told me an involved story about how he was the last Padykula. Everyone in his family (even his wife, kids, and younger siblings) are dead. I think I'm gonna get the pictures printed out and put them in cute decorated frames, and deliver them to them. Mr. Michaljuak had a visitor, and they said a prayer for me. Not a bad one, I told them that I go to church. I always tell the Veterans that I'm a catholic, and occasionally go to St. Jerome's church. I just can't bring myself to tell these sweet, old, god-fearing men that I'm agnostic. But they said a prayer for me, that I might succeed in school, and welcome Jesus into my heart. He ended with "...and when she's ready to go home, I hope that home may be Heaven." That was pretty much enough to make me want to convert. The way he said it wasn't pushing anything on me, he genuinely thought that was the greatest gift he could give me. I have never met any people with more to give than these men, and hardly anyone comes around to appreciate it. But I appreciate it, and THEY have no idea how much they mean to me. They renew my faith in mankind.
-later, gator
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