S. Darko (or, perhaps more appropriately, the worst movie ever created)

Jun 08, 2008 18:54

So, I was just on the web, minding my own business, just kinda ambling through things I find interesting, when I stumble upon what is possible the WORST news I have EVER heard. A new movie started filming on May 18th:

if you're not as outraged as I am by this, then you have never seen the original, Donnie Darko, starring the hottest gay cowboy to ever hit the big screen, Jake Gylenhaal. 
yes, being directed by Chris Fisher, this is sure to be the WORST movie of 2009, or ever, allowing that it isn't cancelled sometime during the filming process (I can only hope). The worst part is, Donnie won't even be in it! It stars his younger sister, Samatha & her friend, as they go on a road trip? 
& anyway, Donnie Darko came out in 2001. YOU CANNOT RELEASE A SEQUEL 7 YEARS AFTER THE ORIGINAL. There ought to be laws against things like that.

needless to say, I am PISSED.
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