Your body on my mattress is proof. &&& your makeup on my pillow is proof..

Jun 12, 2006 01:26

 -- My big brother has offically graduated. It was close and he almost didn't make it. But.. Yeah, he did it! Him and I arnt close at all. I never talk to him or see him, and when we do talk, we're usually fighting or telling on each other... BUT I will admit that I am proud of him. It scares me to think that I'm next. Because we actually are the same in some ways. Like for instance we're both not very smart. But I see it as, If he made it.. I can do too. So I'm really glad to see him graduate.

-- I'm really happy with the way things with Nick and I are going. We see each other a lot now and I'm lovin' it. I really really like him. It's obvious. My parents like him alot too. Some times I think that I don't deserve him.

-- I'm thinking about getting my hair lightned, or at least getting highlights. I'm also thinking alot about my senior pictures. I'm really considering Paris, or Rivers' Edge. I hope those are good places to go, so LET ME KNOW.

 -- My new horse Smoke is still cute as ever. We're doing alright I guess but she still needs alot of work. Especially if we're going to be on the equestrian team this year. I really want to be on it because I'm a senior now, and this is my last year but... We suck so... I might change my mind.

-- Ryan, (Yeah.. My brother) got kicked out of the house today. hah. I'm sure he'll be back in a couple of days though.

-- I'm definitely talking to Tiffany fucking Booker online right now! I love her. I miss her.

-- Whatever, I'm pretty much done now. Nothing elts is really goin' on.. I have some pictures though. Comment..

Pictures !-!-!


 Some girl




 Bill, Chelsea

 Abby, Abby

 Lana (Mexican)

 Justin (Mexican)

 Christian (Mexican)

 Sammi, Some girl

 Class of 06'

 Nick, Some girl

 Chris, Pizza

 Some girl, Pizza

 Call me, duh.
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