you know brother sucks!!!

Jul 21, 2008 12:25

okay so ya'll know from a couple of entries ago that my brother got a dog, Bella. Just scroll down a bit to see the other entry about Bella....

well the DUMBASS gave her away!! he was being a bitch baby about her chewing on stuff she's a damn puppy! of course she's gonna chew on shit. and he kept saying she was terrorizing his house which he exaggerates a bit too much sometimes so i can't say i believe everything he said she did. he just pisses me off cause he told me he'd take care of her and that he wanted her and if i had known he was gonna do this i would of never let him have Bella i would of found someone myself that would take care of her.

he wanted a dog so bad but then goes and gives it away cause he doesn't wanna make an effort and train her...that's too much work for him, he wants other people to do the work for him. he wants a perfect dog and there's no such thing, dogs are gonna pee, crap, chew, jump, bark and everything. you just have to work with them and be patient. i mean damn if i wanted to give Diva away everytime she chewed on my stuff when she was a puppy i wouldn't have her now...and believe me she destroyed a lot of my things when she was a puppy, i'd come home to shoes being shredded...wires chewed on...her jumping over gates...piss all over my floor...and the list goes on.

i'm so pissed at him - i don't plan on talking to him anytime soon. and no that's not being over-dramatic, i don't like when people just pass dogs off like they are nothing....i can't stand that at all, if you don't plan on taking the time to train your dog & spend time with them then don't get a dog. he reminds me of stupid ass Blair (Stephen's wife, if you read my posts and i'm sure i write about her that i can't stand her lol) she has two dogs and doesn't take care of them she makes Stephen take care of them. she was the one that wanted those dogs but refuses to take care of them. i can't stand it at all.

ok end of rant.....
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