Feb 06, 2006 02:42
I think I am going for the record for bone breaking. I was going out to check the mail when I stumbled down the steps and broke my arm again. I am really getting sick of this. Due to a bone infection my right upper arm is weakened and breaks easily. I can just turn it wrong and end up with a hairline fracture. I really did it good this time tho, 2 places, one hairline fracture close to my wrist and a=complete fracture and a complete fracture in my upper arm. I have been home for about two days from the hospital and due to my pain pump reasonably comfortable. I have to go back friday for more surgery. The plate in my arm has to be replaced and a new brace fitted. ( I wear a brace that goes from my shoulder to my hand that is sopposed to protect my arm ) I cannot sleep because the pain meds I take in my med port make me woozy but I have been sleeping so much I just cannot go to sleep. I am also a little sick to my stomach.