Jul 02, 2008 23:12
Hello Livejournal, it's been a while.
Funny, that whenever I get the urge to post here it is only because I feel guilty ranting to friends or find myself at a loss for reasonable explanation. Thank goodness for reliability, wherever it is found - how rare it is these days.
Friends change, the world shifts, you get back on your feet again and again, but reliable things make the effort feel a bit more worthwhile, I think.
I have been thinking far too much and far too quietly lately.
I don't know how to start over.
I don't know how to not be jealous of Musical Theatre majors (why is it not enough to just minor in Drama?).
I don't know how to meet new people without making terribly corny jokes.
I don't know how to balance here and there and I really don't want to discuss it.
I just want to know what will stay the same,
Will I still be the girl who finally found confidence this year (funny how heartbreak can do that to you)?
Who am I if I am not a "theatre kid?"
I'm not niave, I know what college is for.
College is for learning.
It's one of the last places in life that I will be able to ask questions and get real answers; after that, I'm pretty much on my own.
I was so confident that I found myself in high school.
These past few months, I have never felt so complete and at peace with myself.
But here we go again.
Identity crisis here I come.