I just finished the fourth season of Sex and the City.
I started it yesterday.
How could I finish a whole season's worth of show in two days?
Could it be that men seem to come easily in this fictionalized New York or is it that Carrie still manages to look fabulous while click clacking on her laptop, questioning the City, the friends, and, of course,
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All sorts of emotions are fleeting really. A few days ago, I didn't think it'd be possible for me to feel giddy, happy, love at first sight ever again, but look what happened lol. I think it's also getting out of your house and meeting new people. Don't do what I did lol. I finshed the first season of CSI in about 3 or 4 days and I'm starting to work on Supernatural. But those 3 or 4 days, I was pretty misearable having nothing else to do except watch that or think about a failing relationship and practice piano. It makes for a miserable existance.
Right now, I'm volunteering at Walter Reed hospital and despite the fact that it's a hospital and there's people there who've lost not only their best friends, but their legs and arms and various other limbs, they still manage to put on a smile and say hello and ask you how you're doing. It's nice. Even the civillians in the hospital are friendly. You can stop in the hall and have a nice short conversation with anyone practically. It's nice. Different people just put a whole new perspective on life, no matter how long or little they stay in yours.
There's a bunch of ways to fall back in love with life depending on the person. It's just a matter of trying something new I guess.
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