Jun 12, 2008 10:57

How I could have forgotten to mention this is beyond me. Above anything else that happened this past weekend, the worst was on Friday night. We came back from the beach and Matt and I went out to dinner. The parking lot is gravel, and the sections are divided by big logs all lined up together to form a barrier. So we get in the car to go, and he puts it in drive, and as we're about to go over the log, I screamed, "Watch out, there's a log right there!" but it was too late. I kind of assumed that he saw it when we parked because it's what keeps you from pulling up too far, but obviously he didn't. He blamed the fog, which was above eye level so I didn't buy it, but whatev. A group of people were outside, saw it, and came over to help move it. Of course I'm thinking, "Yeah right," but tried to help nonetheless. One of them says, "The strongest one should help us," and I'm already irritated at this point, and I said, "Well he's stronger than me, but I can use both arms, he only has one good arm to us, it's better for me to help push." Now don't you think we know that the stronger person should help? We're not idiots. And Matt is stronger, but I'm not a weakling. You aughta see my muscles, ha! Just as I thought, pushing did not help. The car was draped over this log and the front wheels weren't even on the ground. Then I got really mad when one woman starting going on saying, "How could you not see that?! I don't understand how you couldn't see that?" Matt's too nice to say something, and typically, I am too...but I was pissed and I let her know it: "Obviously you've never had any sort of accident in your life, which has been what, 50 years? But if and when you do, perhaps you won't be so quick to criticize people, though I doubt it." She was clearly younger than 50, but if you wanna offend a woman, telling her she looks older than her age is almost a guaranteed offense.

Matt went inside to get the address of the place, and comes out with four men who work there. I didn't even attempt to help them, knowing I'd probably be pushed out of the way but surprise, they couldn't move the car. So Matt calls AAA, and in less than an hour, someone was there. He was very nice but he seemed stoned or something...and the smoke from his cigarettes was really unpleasant and impossible to avoid. He pulled the car back over the log and all that was really damaged was this plastic thing under the bumper that fell off. Of course, I told Matt to have it taken care of as soon as possible, though it's not a necessity to the car, but it'll undoubtedly be months before he even tries to get it taken care of. It's his car, he can do with it what he pleases.

One more thing...I'm trying to find the cord for my camera. It's not at the computer where I normally keep it, but hopefully I'll find it soon.
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