So what have I done the past year?

Jan 04, 2011 09:26

Every year I say I’m going to write more and every year I do not. We’ll try this again. Since I rarely wrote in 2010, I’m giving you all an update.

Around the last week of March 2010, I noticed that my clothes were fitting more loosely. This coincided with my mother going into the hospital for another slew of bullshit that I don’t want to deal with at her age. I decided that, since I was losing weight for one reason or another without trying, I should actually start making an effort and see what happens. I started on March 31st, because I’m strange like that. Since that date I’ve joined a gym and have lost 70 lbs (and around 100 lbs since Dec-Jan or whenever I weighed myself last before I started paying attention). In November, I started training for a 5K in February. If i’m still writing in Feb, I’ll update. Probably, it’ll be next January before I mention it on here again. I actually enjoy going to the gym go about 5 days a week-sometimes more, sometimes less. I’m going to go over there after I hit publish.

I hit, what I thought would be, my goal weight on Christmas Eve. It’s funny when you’re fat and you have a number in mind at what weight you would be thin and fit. I’m not there yet, but I don’t have a goal weight anymore, especially since I’m doing a lot of strength training. Strength training stops you from being a fat, thin person (a thin person with a lot of body fat) but you do weigh more so numbers are stupid. Most importantly though, I’ll be turning 30 in 6 weeks, and be in pretty good knick.

Hilariously enough, 2010 also is the year when I started baking a metric ass tonne of stuff. I don’t really eat what I bake, instead taking it to the bar or giving it to neighbors/boyfriend, but I really enjoy baking. I also cook a lot more than I did.

Other things I’ve done:

In May, I met a guy. If you’re on my facebook or twitter you know this. He’s fantastic and he’s still putting up with my bullshit. He’s also ridiculously good looking, so there

Also, in May, I got a tattoo. The Red Rose of Lancashire on my right shoulder to commemorate time served in the north of England. When I have enough money I’m going to get a peace lily (the official flower of Philadelphia) on my other shoulder. Guess what? The cliche about tattoos being addictive is true, luckily I’m broke and still looking for a real job.

In May, I stopped drinking.

In September, I stopped stopping drinking (But really I only have a beer once or twice a month).

On New Year’s Eve I discovered that at my current weight and since I don’t really drink much any longer, I am such a fucking lightweight and can no longer party.

Most importantly, Man City ended 2010 top of the table (well 2nd on goal difference).

exercises in futility, man city, gym, admin notes, year in review, manchester city, wordpress post in lj, alcohol, grown up things

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