May 03, 2010 23:03
- 00:19 RT @GaGaMitchell: OMG, I JUST JIZZED. *want* #
- 00:23 #BieberRuinedTwitter #
- 19:13 @ gagadaily alejandro! Yes I want the super deluxe set!!! #
- 19:16 @ PIPALIVE I love that chaise!!! #
- 19:19 Lithograph would also lookgood in my new house! Alejandro. #
- 19:20 All moved. Well nearly. All bug stuff moved. New bed in place, stupidly comfortable, still gotta be made for tonight though. Alejandro. #
- 19:22 Big stuff even. Gah it's been a long day! Alejandro. #
- 19:42 @ Pink See you in Glasgow in June!!! Can't wait! #
- 19:43 Alejandro baybee!!! #
- 19:44 Sorry for the spamming tonight but I want a lithograph peeps! Alejandro! #
- 20:27 @ gagadaily alejandro, Edinburgh, Scotland. #
- 22:58 Ahhh my bed. My glorious bed. Feels so high up though. Feel I need to pole vault to get in it. I actually have to climb on to it! #
- 23:01 Oh no! Even the scrolling ads at the top of Echofone are mentioning Beaver boy!!! I.Can't.Escape! #
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