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Apr 25, 2010 23:02

  • 00:46 Urgh. I give up. Looked at TT's flaming Justin Bieber is there AGAIN!!! His cravens really can't have lives. #
  • 00:57 @ truestepper I know but it also means his idiot fans will see it! We do normally call him Beaver boy. Urgh he annoys the shit outta me! #
  • 00:59 @ truestepper It normally winds them up though & some of their replies can be hilarious! #
  • 01:01 Ooooooooooohhhhhhh! Please please please please please let the tsv on Thursday be a raspberry pink Carmella from Lulu Guinness!!! #
  • 01:03 I know it won't be, but I want a raspberry pink Carmella ***SO*** bad! With the lush lip print lining too. Perfect bag. #
  • 01:05 @ truestepper I just don't get why they HAVE to have him trending every day! I swear Twitter will blow up the day his balls drop! #
  • 01:05 @ truestepper As they will actually have something to Tweet about! #
  • 01:09 Right before I spend more money I am heading to bed. Must.resist.Elemis.TSV. Good value though, but no. #
  • 01:10 @ truestepper Oh god don't! Another talentless, useless, annoying, famous for nothing twat! #
  • 09:13 @ MrDuncanJames LMAO!!! That photo is brilliant! Mind you would make a lovely couple. HINT HINT. #
  • 09:24 @ Jennifalconer Shall give you a wave if we spot you on the tv. Good luck! #
  • 17:43 2 rooms completed. Sitting room done! Mum's bedroom done. I am never ever moving house again. Ever. #
  • 17:44 Sitting room! #
  • 21:08 LMAO! Just saw 'JB stands for?' Suggestions were Beaver boy, Jet Blue, Jonas Brothers. It's JENSON BUTTON people!!! #
  • 21:09 @ ladygaga ALEJANDRO!!! #
  • 21:10 @ Jennifalconer Well done! What was your time? Didn't get to watch the Marathon in the end. #
  • 21:11 @ Jennifalconer Okay, just read your time! MASSIVE well done! Enjoy the wine. #
  • 21:12 Whoopsie. I appear to have just bought some Heartbeats. Black chrome ones. #
  • 21:18 As I am NEVER ever going to find a Fame Monster Super Deluxe for a decent price I went for the Heartbeats. #
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