Apr 12, 2009 15:45
Woah, intense few days. Stina needs some downtime.
Took two days off from work on Wed/Thurs and went to Melbourne with Nathan to see an amazing band called Mindless Self Indulgence. Seriously, that band is the sex.
Melb was kickass. Got a hotel near the venue and spent the arvo wandering the streets nearby. Went to the Casino, got bored and we ended up at a tiny bar called Insignia and got slowly drunk on cider. Walked back to the hotel about 7, bought more cider, got very very drunk and went to the concert.
Really didn't think I could love that band any more. But my lord I do now. Amazing show. Offensive, fast-paced and sexy as fuck. Gah I could go again and again. In fact, I did, last night in Sydney. So yes, saw my favourite band twice in a week. Benefit of the Melb concert was it was 18+ so there were no tiny little 16 year old girls running around being annoying little twats. ...Unlike last night.
Last night I had to *strongly* resist the urge to punch a girl in the face. Cathy, my step sis, got front row, and I had my arms around her holding onto the barrier. Means she doesn't get as pushed around as much (she's a thin little thing) and I'm able to hold onto my spot better. Was all good until the little blonde girl next to me decided she wanted my spot. Throughout the concert she was albowing me, trying to crush my hand, putting her legs into my standing space and pushing all her weight against me, just trying to make me budge. Thing is, i'm a stubborn bitch, so I didn't move. Not my fault she didn't get there earlier. But then the little bitch pushed it to far. She pinched me. Twice. Who the fuck pinches? I ignored the first time, but the second time it happened I spun around and screamed over the music "ARE YOU FUCKING RIGHT?!". Must admit, gave me so much satisfaction when they all stepped back a bit and looked rather scared about the whole business. Didn't touch me after that. Guessing noone wants to see how much strength the fat chick has after you've pissed her off.
Good Friday was goodness, woke up, wandered around for a few hours then went and drank with friends. Good times. I get so lonely going from work to home to work so I love just chilling with them all.
Issue being, i'm an emotional retard who actually hasn't dealt with Grandad's death properly. I have major issues verbalising how I feel and sometimes it feels that there's noone I can just curl up into and cry against. So after a few drinks Lynsey gave me a hug to say goodbye and EVERYTHING came out. I cried like a bitch. I couldn't stop. Everything i've been worrying about and all the hurt exploded in a great big wet mess and the poor girl got trapped by the sobbing lump of Stina for ages. Then she left and Kate appeared to look after me. Shameful. I feel so fucking embarressed about it. Talk about extremes. One to the other.
Anyways, time to go unpack and wash my gross concert clothes.