Jan 20, 2015 17:41
This is what writers do, yeah? Set up shop inside a Starbucks for a couple hours and pound the keys? It's not something I've tried more than a handful of times, but it is nice to escape the regular distractions around the house and force myself to get some work done. Actually lost some words on the total story word count with this little venture out of the house, but they were cuts that needed to happen for the sake of the story.
Oh, the story. It's my Mount Everest. Same beast I've been tackling since August of 2009, though it's certainly evolved since then. I'm resting at just short of 72,000 words, and I don't think there's enough story to be created still to top 90,000. But what do I know? I thought I was tapped when I was stuck at 16,000 for two years.
Just gotta wrestle that bear, I suppose. Not writing that if I'm writing this, am I?