Hey all, seeing as my brain is not working, I'm going to just C&P this from
aerdran's journal.
dj_rabid_angel, a very good LJ friend of mine posted today about the three year old nephew of a friend of his who was recently diagnosed with cancer. His mother has quit her job in order to care for him since daycare is not an option due to his compromised immune system. This makes things all the more financially difficult for the family, and so they are trying to raise money. For this, they're holding a silent auction/fundraiser to help with expenses. This will take place October 16.
So I'm appealing to all of you wonderful, compassionate people here. If any of you could donate something to the auction, it would help a great deal. Anything helps, and I know there are some very big hearts here, and I know that some of you do some amazing crafty things. This horrible cancer thing has taken a terrible toll on a lot of people, and this is a three year old child who desperately needs help. Obviously, thoughts, prayers, energy, and love are all needed as well, so if you can't donate something to the auction, or via Paypal (donation button on the site), I know from experience just how valuable the love and prayers are. So please, anything you can do is big, no matter how small it seems.
http://www.gregorysfight.com/fundraiser.html Thank you in advance. Seriously.