Jun 14, 2012 15:28

After frustrating week I decided to put my marketing muscle to work and created this youtube video:

image Click to view

I posted it on reddit with twitter hash tags and within a day I had an overwhelming amount of responses.  I saw a few places, most of them either too small or in a boring neighborhood but eventually settled when I met Collin, Jake and Rue, my 3 new roomates. Rue is a dog. Collin is an engineer that likes to create start-ups and Jake is a engineer that also creates start-ups as well as awesome drinks. I move in July 1rst but it's some what complicated because I return from LA July first at about 10:30pm ...which sucks because I'm supposed to be out of my apt July 1rst and obviously that isn't happening.  Instead I'm going to see my landlord will let me stay for a week with me being out on July 4th  or that Saturady at worst.

Thanks to my roommates having most conveniences, I'm downsizing considerably bring mostly clothes, my tv, video games, movies and books...and a shelf. Oh and a light or 3.  I'll be saying good bye to the couch I've had since high school. R.I.P. sperm less. I just started calling it that right now due to all of the non-sex I had on it... but wait thats a lie because I was married and we tottally okay so R.I.P. spermly zee bed.
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