Hey! Wow, it's been months and months. Clearly I suck. :/ How the heck are you?So things are hectic but good. Just had my gallbladder out, which was more dramatic than advertised (three day hospital stay, two surgeries: the gallbladder removal, and a good scrubbing of my bile duct, yay!). I'm not quite two weeks out from that and recovering well, so that's good. Anyone want to see the really gross photo of my excised gallbladder and a small galaxy of stones strewn around it? Heh. I didn't think so. (But I will totally post it if anyone is interested.)
I can't wait to start paying the bills. I have insurance, but they don't, I don't think, pay 100%--I need to call and find out what percent they do pay.Work is going gangbusters, which is a huge relief in this economy, but also wearing. You know? Not going to complain, though.Little M is doing fairly well, with some pretty big bumps in the road. But still adorable and making great progress in his gargantuan task of getting better. He's a big boy (not quite two, and weighs easily 30 lbs)--this is both awesome and a little worrisome, as if his gains against his disability slow, his size will make taking care of him harder. But, overall, he's doing pretty well.I was very sad to see that Yuletart wasn't happening this year--not hugely surprised, it has to be a HELL of a lot of work. But bummed--I was looking forward to having a non-writing holiday fannish dealie, since I'm not a writer. Oh, well, c'est la vie, as they say.I am doing absolutely nothing in any current fandoms, I suck there as well. Mostly reading old Harry Potter and Stargate stories. :D Still very much love the whole "me and you against the world" thing (where the major conflict is outside the relationship, not inside it--I've been single too long, I want to idealize relationships, I think), so if you think of a rec, I'd be thrilled to have it. No particular fandom, even, actually.So, anyway, happy holidays so far--I'm going to try to stay in better contact. There's been some Murphy's Law at work, wherein my attempts to get caught up on LJ have coincided directly with the DDoS lags. I know LJ's doing the best they can with that mess, but it's still discouraging, as I'm sure those of you who have been on regularly are all too aware.
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