(no subject)

Apr 24, 2010 11:53

HI! So. My brain is weird lately, so I've been hermitting, but I have been accumulating a list of things that make me happy on the internet, and I thought I'd post it

* All of Minoto's weirdly sweet and sweetly weird little games. The creator/author (gender unknown?) calls them escape games but they're closer to miniature adventure games. There's one a week, pretty much, and they never fail to make me smile. This latest one, well, at one point, the sun is unhealthy, and once you make him healthy again, it's just awesomely hilarious.

I can't find a link that points to the list in English without being on one of the games, but the list is all there no matter what game you're on. Newest at the top, older at the bottom. There are more out there on the 'net, that predate this list, if you're intrepid in your search.

* Best video ever, for creating really stupidly happy grins even on the worst day:

image Click to view

* Epic you-and-me-against-the-world stories, like A Farm in Iowa, or Annunaki, or What Might Have Been.


* Doonesbury's Melissa arc. Especially Thursday's. We all are, indeed. And yesterday's. It might have made me sniffle at little, that her new CO is so awesome. Well, and today's. Bravo Foxtrot Foxtrot! :DD

* Best. Cake. Ever. Photo courtesy of Cake Wrecks.

* Best. Kludge. Ever.

* ReadItLater
Things that are good that aren't on the internet. Though some of them are computer-related:

* My new nephew, who is just gorgeous, you guys.

* My brother getting to visit more often. And finding an awesome birthday gift for his 10-year-old boy, who is obsessed with Indiana Jones. He has most of the outfit, can crack the whip like nobody's business, and confessed to his dad that he was a little sad, because he knew that he couldn't be what he wanted to be when he grew up, because he knew Indiana Jones wasn't real. Which is awwww, both in the awesome and the sad ways.

* My sister's gall bladder surgery made a huge, huge difference, and she's lots better, whew!

* Got the (really pretty--photos later) new car, at a really awesome price, thanks to A.) USAA's auto service dealie, B.) my sister's awesome and daunting negotiating skills, and C.) going to buy it in the evening.

We were doing the final paperwork after closing time, the day before the guy that does all that (who's supposed to try to upsell the insurance and undercoating and all that random crap) went on vacation. :D He just wanted to go home, was all "No extra service X? Awesome. Next..." It was great.

* I'm replacing my computer with my co-worker's BF's computer (it's a whole trickle down thing--too complicated to explain). It's only a couple years old, dual processor, 4GB of RAM, etc. For really cheap, since it's second hand. Mine is ten years old, and just in the last few months, the various software packages out there have finally out-stripped my computer's ability to keep up. Especially the AV products, and browsers. Let us not speak of Flash.

And then I'm giving my PC to a neighbor who's trying to job hunt with no computer at all, so that makes me feel better about retiring my baby.

* Today, I finally started the sheet music organization project I've been putting off. Database created, Word merge for label printing created, file folders and stacks of music to hand, data entry started. I just need labels. Dunno if I'll finish it this weekend, but I'd like to get a good start on it, anyway.
If I posted more often, my posts would be less epic. I can't decide if that's good or bad.

This entry was originally posted at http://chrismm.dreamwidth.org/588107.html. You can comment in either place, no worries.
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