Ali Hamelton- 1987-2006
As i was sitting on the computer minding my on buisness a man by the name of chad walls instant messaged me he asked if i had hurd, i said bout what man, he said ali , i said what happend ,he says she died, then i was out of my room in my car drving to her house 3 houses down as i pulled in i saw everyone standing around hugging and crying i knew it was true but i had to find out igo my good friend kevin to asked he says did u hear i said no he says ali passed, right then i knew that iwouldnever be the same, my heart droped and so did my legs , then itryed to holdi nthe breath i had just inhailed, after that i ran to my car pulled into my drive way walked in the my house anf fai lto the ground onto my knees and cryed my dad ran to me and said whats wrong chris, then i said ali shes, shes, Dead and then i balled from then on he picked me up and put me on the couch, he grabbed his coat and ran to his car, after that told my mom and she grabbed her coat so did my sister everyone was leaving and so was I, we all got in 3 cars and went to Ali's , i got there and everyone was crying more and so was I, my Best friend chase pulls up and hug's me crying ,both of us where in shock, we looked around and everyone we knew and thought how did this happend to her she was amazing ,beautiful loving ,funny ,smart,creative,... we all sat around crying and talking bout how much we loved her for about 4 hours till her mom wanted us 30 teens almost to come in and talk to her.....she said this is not rays fault its no ones, God took her cause it was her time, i dont agree with his choice but i follow it, remeber my daughter as she always was "happy", everyone started balling then we read her poems and thought how is this happing as i was leaving he rhouse at 12:30 i thought why is this happening this cant be she was sister a friend an angel, i hugged all my friends one last time and then got in y car and drove to my house wher isat and cryed i nthe car then iwalked in and sat down at my computer , which is like my home away from home, i decide to tell this tory to showu that u cant tak life for crantive , live itt o fullest like my sister ali did, I LOVE YOU ALI , And i always will..................------ steven christopher miranda JR