Hello friends,
Please allow me my musings before we get to the pretty will ya. I promise it won't be long.
As I sit here on my bed, with so many feelings rushing through me, Pride, loss, lust(naturally I am looking at Welling pics), admiration, hopefulness & a sense of peace.
My little show that could *sigh*. How very proud I am of you. I had a good feeling that this episode would be something, but it exceeded ALL my expectations. Blew away my preconceived notions & made me long to continue the journey with Clark. I've always been proud of Smallville even with it's flaws & missteps.
Finale gave me PERFECTION and I don't toss that word around lightly. Tom has always embodied Superman to me, his grace, his humility & his love of this show shine through as he finally takes the last steps to become Superman. I can not thank him & the rest of the cast & crew for the years of hard work and finally Brian & Kelly who I wish I could thank personally for making this fans dream come true you have made me BELIEVE.
Now enough of the gushy mushyness ON WITH THE MUTHER FUCKIN PRETTY.
Oh FYI I will be doing these in parts. This one I call DEAL WITH IT!
The absolute worse breaker-upers ever in the HISTORY of couples that break up and you know they totally had hot sex in the elevator...twice
Clark "GQMF" Kent has one Ms Lane in his sites & boy is she in trouble...but the good nasty do me 6 ways from Sunday kind
"So what if I'm using the sexy Professor look, it's my Supersex power & I'll use it on you when I want. Now back on the desk with you. "
"See I took your phone & Now I'm going to put it in my pants where I know you will not find it no matter how hard I get...erm it is."
Clark wonders why they still have their clothes on
"I do not scream louder than a banshee Lois, when you use that tongue trick. The desk was just cold. So there."
So pretty
My sad baby
"Ollie,I don't care what sexual favors you would perform on me,I am only Lois' Kryptonian sex toy."
Now to be serious for a minute the Door scene was made of Epic Romanticness (is that a word well if it's not it should be because this door scene was EPIC ROMANTICAL)
Poor Clark can't decide if he likes the make up sex better then the break up sex.. ooooh decisions decisions
Lois Lanes list of dirty things to do before, during & after hot make up/break up sex
Wow #17 is hot, but I'd need at least 1day 1/2 in the sun to recover.
I could totally do # 36...twice
Aww his "I love Lois so much,I can't wait to make her my wifey & we area totally going to do it everyday & twice on Saturday & Sunday and maybe three times on my birthday.Ooh and when I make a huge save and and when she wins her Pultizers & Kerths...ooh"
"I'm here" *GUH*
Loved this shot...loved
Finale, oh how I loved you with our awesome perfectness & your romance & Epicness & your OMG TOM IS SO HOT PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME-NESS