Jul 08, 2014 13:23
Within the last year I have had a lot happen.
Loving the world, loving individuals as much as they would allow, dealing with the fact that some people just don't want to be loved and/or won't allow themselves.
Then cancer, lots of people showing support but still feeling alone.
Kids having issues with schools and medication not being given.
And now vertigo....
with everything else I have been through you wouldn't think that this would be such a big deal.
I can't drive. I look like the town drunk half the time and the other half I appear perfectly normal but am constantly afraid of falling. The ADD came and gone again thankfully with one of the meds.
Summer time now again and I am still committed to loving as much as possible whenever possible, am creating New and giving more, and I feel fulfilled whenever I manage to stay awake at all.
The Valium is a double-edged sword, take too much and you are unconscious for quite a while, don't take enough and you just want to puke as you fall over everywhere, take just the righ amount and you end up with just a bit of each, tired and dizzy but functional.
Family is holding up as well as can be expected.
I know I need to reach out to friends right now, but what do I say?
Doing what is best for oneself is often difficult.
Anyway, HOUSTON, two of my specialists are in you so I will be visiting more often than I have in the past decade or two. Looking for crash space th night of the 20th for myself and seperately for my driver OR for the whole Loy family of 4.