Mar 29, 2005 11:52
Ok lets see what to update about....Well its been a while you'd figure there'd be a whole crapload of stuff to update...But really theres not too much..
I've gained enough weight to make me really unhappy lately..I mean from prolly 6-8 months ago I've gained maybe just a few pounds..But its way more than what I'm used to being. I notice a huge difference in playing basketball on what I'm capable of doing and what I can't do anymore..So I decided today that Ima start going to the gym again and start up a little diet goin.. I need to create a diet with healthy food that I know I can eat for a long time and just stick to it for a month or 2 and I should be ok
I've been really tired lately..Haven't been getting much done..A lot of nights where I wake up all the time which really sucks when I usually go to sleep at like 12-12:30 and wake up at like 7..
This weekend me darlene and george went to dinner with my dad and we went to this Brazilian BBQ place.. It was a pretty cool place..They have like a setup where you get a plate and go get food and they have all kindsa stuff there setup..Then they have guys come around to your tables with different kinds of meat like umm....Tri tip steak, sirloin, skirt steak (carne asada), quail, chicken, roast beef, lamb, duck, rabbit, turkey wrapped in bacon...All kinds of stuff.. Was pretty good if you eat a lot..
If anyone wants to give me like a quick tutorial on this lj designing stuff lemme know Id appreciate it.