Opera singers I fancy for some reason

Sep 24, 2010 03:46

It's not a complete list - too many to count.

1. Clive Bayley

I recently began to obsess over this guy. Saw a documentary about the Frankfurt Billy Budd (they should totally make a dvd from the whole thing), and he's Claggart. Those who know me know I have a soft spot for Claggart (understatement).
First, he freely admits Claggart is gay for Billy, second, he sees him as tragic rather than just evil and third, his voice PWNs. Like, PWNs so hard I want many, many recordings with him.
No youtube - why isn't his aria there? A few fragments from BB are but mainly Billy-centred and I don't like this production's Billy.
Also, a man whom I heard only singing Claggart and made me wishing for him as Sarastro! Under all the evil there's a really nice person.

2. Michael Christensen

A magnificent Loge in the Copenhagen Ring. He's portrayed as a kind of journalist / illegal lawyer, extremely disgusting (he's actually kinda handsome off-stage but here, über ugly), a chain smoker who never finds his lighter (he, the GOD OF FIRE! hilarity ensues) and a cynical Chessmaster but still horrified by Johan Reuter's young gangster-Wotan. Apparently he has a few principles left. At the end of Rheingold Wotan just (highlight for spoiler) kills him. Vocally he's also excellent, but the main magic of this Loge is how he looks and acts - just brilliant.

3. Sven Byriel

Alberich from the aforementioned Ring. Almost handsome at the beginning (minus fake scars) and ends up a very old man in Götter whom Hagen (Moff Tarkin's long-lost twin brother) stabs because he's so bored with daddy's lessons (and for not letting him sleep). His voice is also big and he dares to SING that msot Alberichs forget.

4. Michael Schade

This man made me not only interested in Ottavio, but also finding him more attractive than the Don. And the Don was Carlos Alvarez, so he was hot enough too!
He has a beautiful Mozartean voice but it has more power than your average lyric tenor. SO want to see him as Vere!

5. Christian Franz

An old favourite, seen him as Loge, Siegmund, young Siegfried and Parsifal. (Also as Götter-Siegfried but only in radio.)
At first look he's just a chubby man with a permastubble and a foxy smile. But as soon as he's on stage, he can transform himself into any role so perfectly as if he'd be one of the great old Method Actors. And his voice! he's the only Siegmund who doesn't heroically shout the Winterstürme. It's a love song and he sings it very lyrically and simple, which is logical. An abused woman like Sieglinde would prefer gentleness over heroism. No, he's definitely not a Lauritz Melchior but he has the best voice of today's Heldentenors plus the extra he can act. He says he's looking forward to do Grimes - I trust him he'll be good. I generally hate Wagnerians in that role but Christian has style and he digs into his characters' souls - he surely won't be your average shouting big bear who looks like a Tristan on the wrong place.

6. Walter Fink

Seen him as Hunding, Fafner and Sarastro. He's Hungary's favourite Hunding, returning to our summer festival for years. First of all he has a HUGE and organ-sounding bass that fills the big concert room of the Palace of Arts without any microphone. And he also adds a dignity to the character. His Hunding is scary and wild but not the usual barbarian animal. And as Sarastro, he's also very nice and lovable. I wish I could see him as Ochs or Osmin.

7. Rod Gilfry

The most innocent Billy Budd (actually the only perfect one I've seen so far) and the most demonic, predatory Don Giovanni. With a gorgeous, robust, manly baritone and looks that leave younger barihunks in shame. Too bad he's moving to musicals lately. He himself says he's more a bass-baritone - then GO FOR WOTAN! GO OR WOTAAAAAN! Or if musicals, do Sweeney or Javert.

To be continued
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