Oct 17, 2007 13:26
This has been my life for the past two days.
Yesterday at rehursle (sp), we were doing this amazing scene where me and the other two shades, (Medeas sub conscience ((sp))) are 'beating' the shit out Jason. Earlier that day, the cast all went out to dinner, minus the kids, and we were talking about our injuries, my pregnant ankle that was conceved(sp) at Bounce by those damn stairs, Adam's shoulder that was dislocated while playing four square, blast from the past, last year, Toni's head concussion from falling off scafolding while attempting to direct her final for Directing 1 class, and so on and so forth. Later we began joking on how amazingly funny it would be if Adam really dislocated his shoulder on opening night. It would just add to the authencity(sp) of the play....me being the one who said it...not knocking on wood. That night, it was us playing around with that scene and trying to see how we could do what we had to do and not really kill the 'poor' man who had three women kicking his ass, not that he did not enjoy it, but as we were going over it that last time, we all got really into it and began to really hold him down. So when he went to push up off of him, he really pushed, we really flew . . . and he really dislocated his shoulder. At first we thought that it was him playing around, but when we saw tears coming down his face we all freaked out. Me more then any being the one that was holding him down on the side that he hurt. Never in my life have I felt soo bad. I was the one who said all that shit, and I was the one who was holding him down. The EMT came and took him out on a streacher, only after fucking sticking a thirty inch needle into him to some what ease the pain. I kept on apologizing (sp) and he kept on saying that it was not my fault. Yeah right. We have established that this play is cursed. With Adam and his dislocated shoulder, one of the kids broke his elbow, and the stage manger got his wallet stolen, then found that someone bought a fuckin ferret....and 300 dollars worth of stuff. I'm worried that it may get worst, maybe this play is cursed.
Then comes STATS...oh what fun. So far I have learned that the average of the last quiz score was 50 percent with me being the outlire of having a wopping 10 percent and only one student passing with a 64 percent....is that sad or what. Getting my test score back, made me want to cry no joke. I fuckin studied and I went to a toutur (sp) for what? A fucking 10%? Fuck that shit. I called Renee on the brink of tears, I have never gotten that low on any test over 15 points. Never.
Not that its important but my Great Grandmother died and even though she never really knew me, due to altimers (sp) it still sucks, my mother had to fly out to puerto rico, and was up in arms when she came back. apprently she faced that ass of a father she has, which led to a family fight at the cementary. Which led to the bastard apprently calling me and my sister a few selected names. It hurt, it really did, even more hurting that I had over heard it though the little heating vent that my room and my parents room shared.
Now, Norbert, my lap top, is being a bitch, and fucking with my school internet. My roommate is being a bitch to me cuz she hates the fact that I'm messy and that I only due my dishes once every few days. GRRRRRR
On a lighter note, holloween is coming up soon and I'm planning to getting people together down here and have a little trick or treating around my street. Already there are flyers in my mailbox telling me about parties everywhere. HOLLA! I'm all for gettting hammered on that night. You all can join if you want. Just give me a call.
Happy, going home this weekend, maybe even seeing a game with Kay...BTW call me and give me details.
Love and peace, costuming calls