Got Off Work At Noon, So I Decided To Ride My Bike Around Town

Jul 25, 2007 20:20

The scale at Publix weighed me at 181 pounds, although it toyed with me at first as it lingered in the 170s. Fucking contraption. Anyway, I have officially lost forty pounds. I cannot remember the last time I was so thin….

Hunger struck pretty hard, but it wasn’t for mere fast food. Today was time for somewhere new, so I rode my bike to Zaxby’s. Walking in, I was already overwhelmed with the couples, all in various stages of their relationships. And here I am, Don Juan, trying to mustard enough courage to simply order.

Girl at counter: I love your glasses.

Me: Thanks. [pause] Um, and they were cheap, too. [awkward silence, the best conversation killer]

That’s it, people: my best attempt at small talk. God, I felt like a doofus. It was one of those situations where I was like, “did I just say that? ‘they were cheap, too?’” Oh, well.

Maybe going to a place where you sit down and eat wasn’t such a good idea. At least when you’re with a friend, you can chitchat while you mull over your meal. Instead, it became a touch-and-go job. Some woman’s three children ran rampant throughout the restaurant. When I was that age, I was loud, used anything I could climb on as my personal jungle gym, and tried to make friends with anyone in sight. Now, I’m quiet and reclusive. So what fucked up in the meantime? Why the change? How could things go from being so easy to being so hard? In retrospect, it could’ve been much worse. I could have been part of that elderly couple sitting in the corner, staring at the single twenty-something, envying youth.

After the meal, I bought Re-Animator, alone, at Best Buy. And, after writing in this lovelorn, Godforsaken journal, tonight I’ll be watching it alone.
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