Well, it's been quiet in the Old Town. Until Monday, that is.
- 8:25 a.m. - Someone reported a truck appeared to leak some fuel and it may get into the drain system around Waterside Rd. and West Shore Dr.
- 10:27 a.m. - A caller said a vehicle started tailgating them all the way into Swampscott from Atlantic Ave. and Casino Road. Vehicle possibly occupied by four teens.
- 1:06 p.m. - Caller reporting he hears what sounds like gunshots or construction equipment. Said he head what sounded like about 20 shots. Turns out it was a contractor firing nails into concrete.
- 4:06 p.m. - Caller reported hydrant on Broughton Road was "using water." Water department said there was a water main break. Send the hydrant a bill.
- 5:37 p.m. - Person reports saw a male yell at a female with two kids around Sewall St. and Bowden St. The male left in a red painters truck.
- 8:23 p.m. - Dunkin' Donuts workers were threatened by a customer. The male, in his 20s, got mad because they were unable to make the beverage that his girlfriend wanted. He then threatened the staff and would meet them after 9 when they got out of work. He was wearing a "Punisher" sweatshirt. I guess the moral of the story is: don't irk a guy in a "Punisher" sweatshirt.
- 10:24 p.m. - Person calls to complain about people racing around the block and two people yelling at him.
- 11:32 p.m. - Person said two nights ago a Jeep followed him and threw water bottles at his car. Perhaps they were hinting the car needed a wash?