(no subject)

May 10, 2006 16:39

i'm sitting in this room and staring at a screen. trying to lay out all that's been rumbling through my head from this last year. or rather, few years. sometimes, it aches. most days, everything is clear and makes a whole lotta sense. too many tears to count, and i'm beginning to think that's what our seas are made of. the distance that divides hearts.

we're all striving for the same goal of being happy. and wanting nothing more then those that meant anything to us to be happy as well. people come and go in this life and it's the time that we have with them that matters. because you never know when an upheavel will happen and they're not around anymore. whether it's death or parting, or moving or just life... if we want the art of happiness, then keep its dream in your heart. so one day, it can course through your veins and spread to others like a disease. with all the malforms out there these days, we should reflect that there's more to infect one with then ill matters. too many days are lost doing so.


i wish i could share more with you all. wish i could write entries about my life again. relay what's been going on. but the want for happiness is reciprocated by only a few. bitterness allows us to appreciated the joy we have. but suck on it too long and it poisons the sweet juice of life. chew on that for awhile.

for those of you who want to know more, just let me know and i'll add you there.

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